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Celebrating the 40 year anniversary in 2014.

Women's Caucus

The University Women's Caucus

The University Women's Caucus, formed in 1974, is an organization of women whose concerns include actively advancing the welfare of women throughout Old Dominion University. Specifically, the caucus aids affirmative-action efforts to recruit and retain women and lobbies for equal treatment in salary, rank, tenure, promotion, research leave, and responsibilities. The caucus sponsors workshops and presentations on a wide variety of topics for personal and professional development and provides a forum to discuss policies and decisions affecting women on campus.

  • Advocate for policies and practices that create and maintain a positive and equitable climate for women.
  • Recognize and celebrate special contributions of women.
  • Support campus services and programs that address the needs of women
  • Support efforts to remove systemic barriers to the advancement of women and minorities
  • Foster dialogue between the Caucus and the Administration
  • Offer mentoring, networking opportunities and informative programs
  • Increase access to quality childcare for University employees
  • Assist in the identification and resolution of campus safety issues
  • Promote equal opportunity and affirmative action in hiring, promotion and compensation

Learn about our history

Women'a Caucus

Women's Caucus banner


  • Awards Committee: Responsible for soliciting award nominations; planning awards ceremony
  • Childcare Committee: Liaison with CLRC and parent organization; represent UWC interests regarding childcare
  • Communications Committee: Responsible for outreach and messaging; manage UWC membership; recruit new members
  • Education Committee: Responsible for planning and executing career success workshops
  • Programming Committee: Responsible for planning UWC events (Welcome Back Luncheon, Conversations with the President, etc.)
  • Salary Equity Committee: Review salary data as part of Salary Equity Review process

Outreach/Connection Groups

The purpose of these groups is to provide spaces for women on campus to connect in smaller 'affinity' groups.

  • FULLy Supported - FULLy Supported is a group of women Full Professors that provides a support network and sounding board for each other. We celebrate the successes in their teaching, research, administrative, and/or personal endeavors. Contact Wie Yusuf (jyusuf@28277cc.com) or Yonghee Suh (ysuh@28277cc.com) for more information.
  • International Women - connects international and global-minded women on our campus. Women across the university who are faculty and faculty administrators with similar interests and backgrounds get together informally to connect socially, professionally, and share local and international resources. Contact Anna Makhorkina (amakhork@28277cc.com) for more information.
  • SASS-Y (Solo Aging Support System - Why Not) - a group dedicated to building and maintaining communities of support for women as they age. We are committed to living life to its fullest by fostering physical, mental and emotional well-being as we prepare for, and navigate, the special difficulties that sometimes come as we age. Contact Liz Smith (exsmith@28277cc.com) for more information.
  • Women Living with Disabilities - a group of women with disabilities and women supporting children, parents, or other family members with disabilities to share experiences, resources, and understanding. Individuals with disabilities and caregivers may encounter increased adversity in the workplace. This group is a place to be in solidarity, express yourself, and support each other. Contact Nicole Hutton Shannon (nhuttons@28277cc.com) for more information.
  • Women of Color - a community of black and brown women who meet to rejuvenate, empower, and exhale in a brave and safe space. Contact Nakia Madry-Smith (nmadry@28277cc.com) or Shuntay Tarver (smccoy@28277cc.com) for more information.
  • Women Raising Children - an avenue for women to share resources, reflections, and be in community with other mothers who all share a common thread of working at ODU. Contact Emily Goodman-Scott (egscott@28277cc.com) or Abby Braitman (abraitma@28277cc.com) for more information.


Dr. Narketta Sparkman-Key presents to University Women's Caucus

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